This sculpture was made with scrap metal pieces from a vehicle named"rickshaw".
The sculpture resembles an abstract human face.

Spiral Aversion
Method: 3D printing, Image Processing, Machine Learning (SqueezeNet Model)
Software: Rhino, Grasshopper, MATLAB
The piece “Spiral Aversion” was created as a reaction to the Covid-19 period. The soaring growth of the structure embodies the rising uncertainty of the present time. . The five colorful yet ghostly objects in the installed Spiral Aversion have grown from a dark ground which causes a sudden unsettling feeling. The five objects represent five fingers of a human hand, unsure to touch any unknown surfaces. The objects move and interact with the viewer to reflect the event where our action can further cause an uncomfortable situation. The participant has to be wearing a mask for this piece to react. This phenomenon signifies the fact that society’s only way out of this pandemic is wearing a mask.
The world is threatened by the dismantling effect of global warming. The sea will engulf millions of lives and flourishing civilization. In this video, I explored the notion of destruction that nature can cause due to people’s insensitivity. Thriving cities, which mark the height of growth will be affected severely.
This video is an attempt to convey the image of destruction. I worked with images of eight places around the world where life will be disrupted the most. I used some algorithmic process to express the deconstruction of each place. The beautiful places will vanish into thin air. The sound is designed to match the rhythmic deconstruction. Some texts are added to reveal how each place will be affected.